Thursday, February 27, 2014

Writing Journal 1252.27.2.14

I have to churn out a draft of an application letter. The plan so far is to fill out some paragraphs in the standard oratorical format. But some of the challenges involve higher-level concerns, namely tone. I don't know exactly what my audience wants to hear, so I don't know how to pare down my details. Anyway, I think my main thesis is to explain how this seminar relates directly to my dissertation project. I'll appraise my progress by the clock, I guess. Or better I, should first write each of my topic sentences, then fill out the paragraphs that follow in a second phase. I want to at least have two pages done in the next two-and-a-half hours. The challenge will follow from my time restraint: I must write calmly and assuredly. But fortunately, I do have skills to write effective topic sentences and to build paragraphs out of topic sentences. The problem will be preventing myself from distracting myself. So far, I'm planning to use the timer to set short goals, like 50 words in 5 minutes, in multiple reps.
I wrote the first 270 words of actual text, aside from my notes. But I lost steam when I hit a problematic sentence.

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