Okay, I've finally got a bit of time and a workstation that allow me to look at this more fully. Here are some of the texts that don't register in the EEBO scan:
- The banner to the right of "C" reads, "Pro religione | Pro libertate".
- Above "D," one figure is labeled "M. Pim". Below "D," one banner reads "Pro deo | Pro Rege"
- To the right of "F," the men under the gate are labeled "Militia"
- The banner above "M" reads, "Pro religione | Pro protestante".
- The banner above "H" reads, "Pro deo &c pro libertate"
- The flagpole above "L" reads "Religio Christiana"
- The banners above "V" read, separately, "Pro libertate &c." and "Pro rege &c."
- The banners above "1-6" read, "Array", "Bellum-Episcopalem-Sive", "Religio-Papalis," and "Ad-Extirpationem-Parliamentorum"
- The smoke blown by figure 77 reads, "meridionale"
- The smoke blown by 78 reads, "Instructionibus generalis"
- Underneath figure 81, the text along the left scale reads, "pro hispania"; the text along the right scale reads, "pro Francia".
Other notes:
- The banner for 2 features a figure with a book in her left hand and a windmill in her right hand.
- The banner for 3 features an ass, kicking.
- The banner for 8 features a Pope in his mitre.
Litterae alphibeticae ad explicationem Profeſsionis Figurae vero arithmeticae ad deſcriptionem Proceſsionis spectant.
The alphabeticall letters send thee to th'explication of the Profeſsion
and the arithmeticall figures to the deſcription of the Proceſsion.
Les lettres alphabetiques vennoyent alxplication de la Profeſsion
et les chiffres ala deſcription de la Proceſsion.
excud:& dedicat - Posteriati - 31 * Dec - 1642
The British Museum has a curator's write-up, with complete references to the people depicted.
Here's some of the text that's least clear in the EEBO scan:
... D. The King and Parl. of Eng.
land in the ſelf ſame year overthrew the deſſeigne which the ſaid Proceſion had to kindle a War be-
tween England and Scotland and to cauſe the Papiſts of Ireland to pass auxiliarily over into En-
gland do agree together of the meanes (by a E Committee of perſons choſen by both Parliaments
of the two Kiadomes[sic]) to repreſſe the cruelty that this popiſh War beares upon the fore-head, and cauſe
the Lieutenant of Ireland promotour of the ſame ſuccour, and Geuerall[sic] of this Proceſſion to be puniſhed
Mutandoes, or Under ſlops at York, D The King and Parliament raiſed, with great charges, a pow-
erfull M Army under the command of the Earle of Eſſex, for the Defence[sic] of the Proteſtant Religion,
the ſecurity of his Majecties Perſon[sic], and Parlement[sic], the preſervation of the Laws, Liberties, and
Peace of this Kingdom and protection of his Majeſties Subjects, againſt the aggreſſion, violence, and
oppreſſion of this Proceſſion. The ſame Army taketh Porthſmouth again from it, gives it Battle at
Edg-hil the 23 of Octob. 1642, where the Generall of the Proceſſion loſt his life, conſtrained it ſhort-
ly after to withdraw its gaping mouth from the attempts of London to Oxford and thereabouts; got
upon it Fernham Caſttle, the Epiſcopal Townes of Wincheſter and Chicheſter, and gave it many home-
touches in divers Counties before the end of Decemb. following. N His Excellency the E.of Eſſex
OThe Earle of Bedford Generall of the Horſe. Pthe Earle of Mancheſter,the Lord brooks, the E.
of Stamford, the L. Wharton,the L.Roberts, the L. Gray, the Lord Peterborough Generall of the Ar-
tillery, Mr. Hollis Eſq.SrWil.Belfore Knight, Major Generall Skippon, St John Meldrun, Sr Phil
Stapleton, SrWil.Waller, S.ArthurHaſterick Knights, and Colonels, M.Hampden and M. Stroud
Eſq. and Colonels, &c. Q The Regiment of Maſter Hollis, R the Regiment of my Lord Brooks
S the Regiment of Mr. Hampden, T The Earles of Northumberland,Holland,Pembroke,The L.Say
and Seale,&c.V the Lord Fairfax, Generall of the Army for the King and Parlement in the North,
S.Hugh CHalmley,S.John Seaton,Cap.Hotham,&c.
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