Francis Mussell. "The Prisoners Observation by way of Complaint." 669.f.10.17. EEBO link.
Anon. "A Prognostication upon W. Laud." 669.f.10.18. EEBO link.
Anon. "The Scholars Petition for Play-dayes, instead of Holy-dayes." 669.f.10.23. EEBO link.
Peter Stent. "The most Excellent Sir Thomas Fairfax." 669.f.10.25. EEBO link.
T. Forcet. "The Scourge of Civill Warre." 669.f.10.27. EEBO link.
Anon. "Prognostic Merveilleux." 669.f.10.35. EEBO link.
Joseph Ricraft. "A perfect List of the many Victories..." 669.f.10.46. EEBO link.
- ALSO 669.f.10.59. EEBO link.
Anon. "Dictated Thoughts." 669.f.10.48. EEBO link.
- ALSO 669.f.10.68. EEBO link.
- ALSO 669.f.10.102. EEBO link.
- ALSO 669.f.10.104. EEBO link.
Anon. "The Mercenary Souldier." 669.f.10.49. EEBO link.
Anon. "The Zealous Souldier." 669.f.10.50. EEBO link.
William Ley. "A Perfect Table of Two hundred ninety nine Victories..." 669.f.10.64. EEBO link.
Francis Leach. "The great Champions of England." 669.f.10.69. EEBO link.
William Ley. "A Perfect Table of Three hundred and four Victories." 669.f.10.72. EEBO link.
Edmund Calamy. "Berachah, or Englands Memento to Thankfulnesse." 669.f.10.74. EEBO link.
Josiah Ricraft. "A Perfect List of all the Victories obtained..." 669.f.10.79. EEBO link.
John Tustin. "Tustins Observations, or Conscience Embleme: The Watch of God, similized by the Wakefull Dog." 669.f.10.80. EEBO link.
Anon. "Englands Monument of Mercies." 669.f.10.85. EEBO link.
William Ley. "Englands sorrow for the losse of their late Generall." 669.f.10.88. EEBO link.
- ALSO: 669.f.10.97. EEBO link.
John Hancock. "A Funerall Monument. " 669.f.10.89. EEBO link. ALSO: John Hammond. "A Funerall Elegie..." 669.f.10.94. EEBO link.
Anon. "The picture of an English Antick, with a Lift of his ridiculous Habits, and apish Gestures." 669.f.10.99. EEBO link
Anon. "Puss my aple." 669.f.10.105. EEBO link.
Matthew Simmons. "Englands Wolfe with Eagles Clawes." 669.f.10.106. EEBO link.
John Lecester. "England's Miraculous Preservation Emblematically Described, Erected." 669.f.10.107. EEBO link.
R.A. "An Embleme of the Times." 669.f.10.110. EEBO link.
R.A. "A Catalogue of the severall Sects and Opinions..." 669.f.10.111. EEBO link.
Thomas Jenner. "Victories Obtained." 669.f.10.112. EEBO link.
J.H. "Reall Persecution, or the Foundation of a general Toleration, Displaied." 669.f.10.114. EEBO link.
Henry Overton. "A Pious and Seasonable Perswasive." 669.f.10.118. EEBO link.
Claude Morlot. "La France a monsieur de Broussel." 669.f.13.34.
- ALSO 669.f.35
Henry Cripps. "A New Elegie." 669.f.13.45.
- ALSO 669.f.13.46
Robert Ibbitson. "The Kings Last farewell to the World." 669.f.13.47.
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