Thursday, May 8, 2014

A list of interesting things - From the Thomason Tracts' single-sheet collection

[From 669.f.6.
Anonymous, The English Irish Sovldier, 1642. Thomason # 669.f.6.(12.) Wing # E3093 . EEBO link.
Wenceslaus Hollar, [A plan and view of the Town of Hull by W. Hollar.], 1642.. Thomason # 669.f.6.(21.) Wing # unavailable . EEBO link.
John Hotham, The true effigies of Sr. J. H. ..., Governour of Hull. Thomas # 669.f.6.(61.) Wing # T2691 . EEBO link.
Anonymous (for G. Badger), The Declaration and protestation of the Grand Jurie..., 1642. Thomason # 669.f.6.(69.) Wing # D539 .  EEBO link.
George Glover (eng.) and William Russell (auth.), A List of the Horse under the command of William Earl of Bedford ..., 1642. Thomason # 669.f.6.(70.) Wing #  L2446 . EEBO link.
William Marshall, Heraclitus Dream, 1642.  Thomason # 669.f.6.(89.) Wing # H1489 . EEBO link.
Anonymous, The Sound-Head, Round-Head, Rattle-Head well plac'd, 1642? Thomason # 669.f.6.(94.) Wing # unavailable . EEBO link.
Hans Vanderpill, Magna Britannia divisa, 1642. Thomason # 669.f.6.(113.) Wing # unavailable . EEBO link.

[From 669.f.8]
Anonymous, Syons Calamitye, 1643. Thomason # 669.f.8.(7.) Wing # J63 . EEBO link.
Anonymous, The malignants trecherous and bloody plot against the Parliament and Citty..., 1643. Thomason # 669.f.8.(22.) Wing # M326 . EEBO link.
Anonymous, The kingdomes monster vncloaked from heaven the Popish conspirators, 1643. Thomason # 669.f.8.(24.) Wing # K587 . EEBO link.
John Vicars, Behold Romes Monster on his monstrous beast!, 1643. Thomason # 669.f.8.(29.) Wing # V294 . EEBO link.
Anonymous, A funerall ellegie, upon the death of Mr. John Pim. Thomason #669.f.8.(40.) Wing # F2533 . EEBO link.

[From 669.f.11]
Anonymous, A prospect of bleeding Irelands miseries, 1647. Thomason # 669.f.11.(4.) Wing # P3805 . EEBO link.
Anonymous, These trades-men are preachers in and about the City of London , 1647. Thomason # 669.f.11.(6.) Wing # T883 . EEBO link.
Anonymous, A catalogue of the earles, lords, knights, generalls, collonels, lieutenant... , 1647. Thomason #669.f.11.(30.) Wing # C1373 . EEBO link.
Anonymous, Thirty and two extremes of these times... 1647. Thomason # 669.f.11.(66.) Wing # T916 . EEBO link.
Anonymous, The braggadocia souldier: and the civill citizen, 1647. Thomason # 669.f.11.(81.) Wing # B4197 . EEBO link.
T. P., Truth flatters not plaine dealing the best, 1647. Thomason # 669.f.11.(91.) Wing # P121 . EEBO link.
Henry Elsynge, The Parliaments X. Commandments,, 1647. Thomason # 669.f.11.(121.) Wing # P525 . EEBO link.
Anonymous, The invincible vveapon or truths triumph over errors, 1647. Thomason # 669.f.11.(132.) Wing # I288 . EEBO link. (NB: the bottom line is obscure on EEBO. It reads, "Are to be ſold by Ro. Walton at the weſt end of Pauls.")
T. P., Truth flatters not plaine dealing the best, 1647. Thomason # 669.f.11.(91.) Wing # P121 . EEBO link.

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