Saturday, May 24, 2014

The Schismaticke sifted; or his Shifts discovered: by way of Reply to Mr. John Vicars

This tract drew my attention for two qualities. First, the tract itself is a direct reply to John Vicars, printed by Thomas Paine, both of whom I've discovered are generative figures for research into image-texts. Second, the title-page of the tract promises to attack John Vicars as the creator of image-texts. This is the TCP title text from EEBO:
THE Schismaticke Sifted THROUGH A SIVE of the largest size: BUT Is now more purely drest. WHEREIN The Chaffe, the Froth, and the Scumme of Mr. JOHN VICARS his Siftings and Paintings prove him to be a lame Draughts-man, a smearie Washer, his Colours falsly mixt, and his Pencill as course as his Colours.
Collected out of his own words, and under his own hand.By T. C. a Well-willer to Truth and Peace.
Published according to Order.
LONDON, Printed by R. A. for S. W. 1646.
For Sions-Sons sake I cannot hold my peace.
On further investigation, this appears to be a direct response to the title-page of Vicars' original "Schismaticke Sifted" (again, from TCP on EEBO):
THE SCHISMATICK SIFTED. OR, The Picture of INDEPENDENTS, Freshly and Fairly Washt-over again. Wherein, the Sectaries of these Times (I mean, the princi|pall Seducers to that dangerous and subtile Schisme of Independency) are with their own properPensils, and Self-mixed Colours, most lively set forth to be a Generation of notorious Dissemblers and fly Deceivers.

 But, alas, the tract itself spends most of its text responding to Vicars' charges that the Independent churchmen--by their pleas for religious tolerance--threaten the one true (Presbyterian) church.

Still, there is an interesting comment at the end about Vicars' sight (Text from TCP on EEBO, again):

But I finde a light here that much offends your 11 eyes, it is a strange light to you, as well as a new light; I perswade me, it is a hot light also, and you love a middle temper: I would fain know what light enlightened you so farre, [Note: Pa. 34, 35. ] as to be for a Reformation that should be verie glorious, are your eyes now growne weake with looking too stedfastly, inso|much as your desire is now to leave one old light, and take another? or because one small candle is burnt out, will you light up another of the same size?

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